Add ATP Livslang Pension to Betalingsservice

ATP Livslang Pension

In this self-service you can add ATP Livslang Pension to Betalingsservice to make sure you pay your ATP contributions on time.

You will need this:

  • MitID (with a public digital signature/employee signature)

  • The company's CVR no. (The CVR no. is also your 'Kundenummer' ('Customer number'))

  • Registration number and bank account number for your bank.

What you need to do:

  1. Click on 'Start'

  2. Log in with MitID.

You can find information about signing up to Betalingsservice in the 'Guidelines' tab above.

Please note: The self-service is in Danish.

Do you need information about ATP Livslang Pension?

Read about ATP Livslang Pension

