Building activities (temporary provision and establishment)


Special regulations apply if you wish to carry out certain temporary building activities in Denmark.

You will need this:

You must notify the local council where you intend to carry out any of the following activities:

  • use of mobile asphalt plants

  • use of mobile plants for treating polluted soil

  • use of mobile wastewater and sludge processing plants

  • use of mobile lime stabilising plants

  • use of mobile milling plants for building and construction materials

  • dust or noise-producing demolition activities

  • scrapping of ships

  • dust or noise-producing building façade treatment

  • any other dust or noise-producing building and construction work.

  • any other dust or noise-producing building and construction work.

The local council may set conditions or impose a ban on the activities for which it has received notification. Order on environmental regulation of certain activities

You should be aware that you also need to comply with other regulation, for example those in the Danish Environmental Protection Act.

**How to apply? ** Anyone wishing to carry out any of the above-mentioned temporary activities you must notify the local council not later than 14 days before you intend to commence the activity. The local council may set up a shorter or longer deadline.

Your notification must detail the length of the operating period and the measures taken or to be taken in order to prevent or rectify pollution or nuisance to surrounding areas, including how operations will be carried out during the day, evening and night.

Applications should be submitted to the relevant local council by letter, fax or e-mail.

You can find contact details for the 98 Danish local councils here.

Temporary or occasional pursuit

The same requirements apply for both temporary and permanent service providers.

