Reinspection company (temporary provision and establishment)


If you wish to run a reinspection company in Denmark, i.e. a company which performs vehicle reinspections to check whether a vehicle lives up to technical road safety and environmental requirements, you must be authorized.

You will need this:

  • Determine which category of vehicles you wish permission to perform reinspections on; category 1, 2 or 3.

  • Your company needs to be registered at Danish Business Authority and have a Danish CVR number (Central Business Register number). 

  • Your business must have a fixed establishment in Denmark.

  • The testing personnel must have an employee signature. The employee signature must be applied for by the owner of the business, and you can contact Nets for more information about this.

  • The company’s employees need to be educated as (vehicle) mechanics.

  • The company’s public debt or the public debt of the technical officer cannot be 50.000 Danish kroner or more.

  • You need to confirm that the fitter, workshop or vehicle manufacturer is not in bankruptcy proceedings or liquidation. 

  • The company’s owner or owners and the technical officer must fulfill certain requirements for criminal record, and they cannot have received any judgements within the last three years in regard to infringements of the rules of Regulation act no. 724 of 24/06/2011and/or judgments regarding significant criminal offences. 

  • The technical officer cannot be legally incapacitated and must be employed by the company in a management position.

  • The company must have the proper equipment for reinspection of the categories of vehicles that they are applying for permission to inspect.

  • The company must have the proper digital communications equipment that allows them to communicate with the Danish Road Traffic Authority.

  • Documentation that the company’s technical officer is in possession of a valid driving licence for all the types of vehicles that you wish to inspect must be mailed to the Danish Road Traffic Authority.

  • Documentation that the technical officer is an educated (vehicle) mechanic or has passed other relevant technical training at an equivalent or higher level must be mailed to the Danish Road Traffic Authority.

  • Copy of the technical officer’s certificate of having passed one of the Danish Road Traffic Authority’s approved courses must be mailed to the Danish Road Traffic Authority.

  • Information that the company has applied for connection to the Danish Register of Motor Vehicles must be mailed to the Danish Road Traffic Authority. 

  • Information that the company has signed a liability insurance that includes reinspection work must be mailed to the Danish Road Traffic Authority.

  • Information that the company has an approved quality management system that is verified by an approved inspection body must be mailed to the Danish Road Traffic Authority. 

  • Proof of enrollment of repair scheme must be mailed to the Danish Road Traffic Authority.

  • To apply, you will need to fill out the application form and provide the listed documentation and information as described above. The application and the documentation must be mailed to the Danish Road Traffic Authority.

