Digital Post
Any business, association or organisation with a CVR-number in Denmark, receives digital post from public authorities digitally.
What is Digital Post
Both the mailbox and the messages in it are called Digital Post and ensures safe communication between you and public authorities in Denmark. As confidential information is often exchanged herein, safety is important.
You receive Digital Post from public authorities in Denmark when you create a CVR-number. You are obligated to read it because it concerns important details about your organization.
This can be post regarding maternity leave, reimbursement of sickness benefits or criminal records. These messages come as Digital Post.
In Digital Post you can:
Receive post from public authorities
Write to public authorities.
Who recieves Digital Post
All businesses, associations and organisations with a CVR-number in Denmark receive Digital Post.
If you are unable to obtain a broadband connection of 512 k/bit or you are unable to manage the post digitally, you can be exempted from Digital Post and receive it as physical mail instead.
Where can we read Digital Post?
You choose freely whether you want to read Digital Post on Business in Denmark and Virk og on e-Boks, or in the Digital Post app. Digital Post from public authorities is available on all platforms.
How do we acces Digital Post?
You can log into Digital Post either with a MitID Erhverv, or your private MitID. Not all types of organisations can utilize their private MitID to log into your business’ Digital Post.
Click here to find out if you can use your private MitID (in Danish)