

If you wish to work as a Firefighter in Denmark, you must have your professional qualifications recognized by the Danish Emergency Management Agency.

You will need this:

The Danish Emergency Management Agency will check your professional qualifications before you can start providing services. You are required to renew your declaration if you intend to provide temporary or occasional services in Denmark during the following year. Please include the following documents with your first declaration:

  • Contact information: First name and family name, address, phone and e-mail

  • Ordinary photocopy of proof of nationality (for example, a photocopy of relevant pages of your passport)

  • Attestation that you are legally established to practice the occupation in a Member State and that you are not prohibited, even temporarily, from practicing at the time at the time of the attestation (the documents that may be provided by Member States of establishment are listed in Annex B of the Code of Conduct) or another document that proves your legal establishment.

  • Certified photocopies of your professional qualification documents (evidence of formal qualifications, an attestation of competence and/or professional experience, authorization etc.)

  • If neither the profession nor the training is regulated in your Member State of establishment: Proof that you have practiced the profession for at least two years in the last ten, in the country of establishment (for example working contracts and attestations from previous employers stating the professional activity and its duration)

  • Information about your education, including, for example, the total duration of the education, the subjects studied and in which proportion (e.g. in ECTS points), the balance between the theoretical and the practical part where appropriate, as well as information on any professional experience, continuous professional development, seminars and all forms of training attended in addition to the initial training (such information may enable you to avoid a compensatory measure). If the competent authority has any doubts or questions concerning the documents mentioned here and provided by you, it must raise the issue with its counterpart in your home Member State using administrative cooperation.

  • Information regarding the name of the insurance company, if any, and the contract number, or other means of collective protection with regard to professional liability.

