Rearing of deer, ostrich and feathered game (temporary provision and establishment)


A farm with deer, ostriches, feathered game shall initially be registered by the owner at The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.

You will need this:

The person responsible for the holding/breeding must have completed a course regarding the specific animal species, approved by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. You must send an application stating your intend and document the following:

  • Name

  • Home address

  • Potential address in Denmark

The notification must for the first time, be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Proof of nationality

  • Certificate from the competent authorities in the country of establishment, that the applicant is legally established in the country to manage the running of a breeding respectively feathered game, deer or ostriches.

  • Certificate from the competent authority of the country of establishment, that the service provider has not received permanent or temporary ban or similar against being in charge of operating a breeding respectively feathered game, deer or ostriches.

  • Proof of professional qualifications.

