Employment at landfill sites as operator or staff (temporary provision)


If you wish to offer your services temporarily in Denmark as an operator or staff at a Danish landfill site, you must apply for an official recognition of your professional qualifications at the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

Dette skal du bruge:

If you want to provide your services as an operator or staff at a Danish landfill site on a temporary basis or occasionally, you need to inform to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency in a written declaration of this intent before moving to Denmark. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency will check your professional qualifications before you may begin providing your services. Please enclose the following documents with your declaration:

  • A written declaration, which is dated and signed, indicating your occupation and your intention to provide your service in Denmark on a temporary and occasional basis.

  • Proof of your nationality. For example a photocopy of relevant pages of your passport.

  • An attestation certifying that you are legally established in a Member State for the purpose of pursuing the activities concerned and that you are not prohibited from practicing, even temporarily, at the moment of delivering the attestation;

  • Evidence of professional qualifications, such as certified photocopies of your professional qualification documents, an attestation of competence and/or professional experience, etc.

  • If neither the profession nor the training, is regulated in your Member State of establishment, then include:

  • Proof that you have pursued the profession for at least one year during the last ten years, preceding the provisions of services, in the country of establishment (for example employment contracts and attestations from previous employers stating the professional activity and its duration).

  • You are required to renew your declaration, by application, once a year if you intend to provide temporary or occasional services in Denmark during the following year. The deadline for application is no later than one year after the previous application is submitted. New documentation must be included in the renewed application if there are substantial changes compared to the documentation previously provided.

  • Please state your contact information: first name and family name, address, phone and e-mail, if any. If somebody else is sending the documents, e.g. a company sending documents on your behalf: The sender's name, address, phone and e-mail, if any.

If you wish to work on a permanent basis in Denmark. Please read more and apply here.

