Below you can read about deadlines for reporting and transferring payments in lieu of untaken days of holiday for your employees.
You can also read about interest rates and repayment.
There are different deadlines for reporting and payment for, respectively, dismissed or resigned salaried employees and hourly-paid employees. The reports must be submitted via eIndkomst.
Salaried employees that are dismissed or have resigned
Payments in lieu of untaken days of holiday for dismissed or resigned salaried employees must be reported and transferred by no later than the final day of the month where the employment ceases. Example An employee is dismissed/resigns on 31 March 2021. The reporting and payment deadline is 31 March 2021.
Hourly paid employees
You report and transfer payments in lieu of untaken days of holiday for hourly-paid employees based on the final date of the salary period:
If the salary period ends on the 15th of a month at the latest, the reporting and payment must take place on the last day of the same month.
If the salary period ends after the 16th of a month, the reporting and payment must take place by no later than the 15th of the following month.
If you have mistakenly reported and transferred too big of a payment in lieu of untaken days of holiday to one of your employees, you must:
correct the mistake in eIndkomst and
contact FerieKonto so that you can be reimbursed for the excess amount that was paid
There is a risk that FerieKonto has already paid the money to the employee. If this is the case, FerieKonto cannot reimburse the holiday pay and it will therefore not be possible to make a correction.
Once the deadline for payment has passed, FerieKonto begins charging interest. Please note that a delayed report may also result in a delayed payment.
Payments via a payroll service agency will be rejected if there are not enough funds on the company’s account. If so, there will be charged interest due to late payment.