Transfer of flag

The Danish Maritime Authority has reduced special regulations applicable to ships flying the Danish flag. It is easier to transfer a ship to the Danish flag since many national regulations have now become international and apply irrespective of the flag that the ship is flying.

General conditions for transfer of flag

The ship owner must document that the ship meets Danish law and that the documentation material reflects this. The documentation must consist of drawings and certificates from previous flag States, a recognized classification society or a recognized test institute. The documentation should be forwarded electronically.

As regards ships not in class, the Danish Maritime Authority will take care of the consideration of the documentation. As regards ships in class, reference is made to the classification societies.

The Danish Maritime Authority requires payment for surveys and case consideration of the above-mentioned documentation and for the issue of certificates. Payment will also be requested if the ship is not approved. In connection with surveys abroad, the shipowner must pay the expenses incurred by the Danish Maritime Authority for travelling and accommodation.

Cargo Ships below 500 GT

If you want to transfer your ship to the Danish flag, you must, first of all, ensure that the ship does not contain any asbestos since it is prohibited to import ships containing asbestos. Furthermore, you must ensure that documentation is available - or can be drawn up - that proves that the ship meets the Danish regulations.

Cargo ships above 500 GT

If you want to transfer your ship to the Danish flag, you must, first of all, ensure that the ship does not contain any asbestos since it is prohibited to import ships containing asbestos. Furthermore, you must ensure that documentation is available - or can be drawn up - that proves that the ship meets the Danish regulations.

When a shipping company becomes a part of Blue Denmark and is flying the Danish flag, the Danish Maritime Authority can offer a number of different services.

One of the services offered is our Point-of-Contact scheme, which puts the shipping company in contact with a permanent group of ship surveyors with in-depth knowledge about the company and its special needs. A permanent contact person will always follow up and revert to the company. The scheme is completely voluntary.

Passenger ships on international voyages

If you are considering flying the Danish flag, we can also offer a free, non-binding meeting, at which we will answer any questions that you may have. The meeting can take place at one of our offices, over the telephone or as a video conference - according to your requests.

The first time you contact the Danish Maritime Authority, a ship surveyor will be appointed as the company's contact person - i.e. the direct link between the shipowner and the Danish Maritime Authority. We believe that this will make the process smoother and give you a better experience of the transfer of flag process.

We have made a transfer of flag package directed at passenger ship companies. The package contains information about the process applied when transferring a ship to the Danish flag or building a new ship for the Danish flag.

Information to shipowners – passenger ships – Danish Maritime Authority


DDK 885,00 for time spent on surveys and case consideration.

Written by: Danish Maritime Authority Updated 07.05.2024
