Here you can see what kind of company information you can change.
You can add, change or delete information on a company’s contact persons.
If a ‘Forsendelsesadresse’ (‘Shipping address’) has been added, you can change this yourself.
If there is only provided a ‘Virksomhedsadresse’ (‘Company address’), you must contact ATP Livslang Pension to add a shipping address.
You can add and change information on phone numbers and email addresses.
When logged in to the self-service solution, you can see whether your company is signed up for Digital Post. If the company is not signed up for Digital Post, you can get support here.
When logged in to the self-service solution, under ‘Virksomhedsoplysninger’ (‘Company information’) you have additional options.
You can view ‘Indberetninger og indbetalinger til ATP Livslang Pension’ (‘Reports and contributions to ATP Livslang Pension’) or choose ‘Indberet’ (‘Report’) to manually report ATP contributions.
You can also add ATP Livslang Pension to Betalingsservice.
If you disagree with ATP Livslang Pension’s decision, you can contact ATP’s board of appeal, etc. You must contact the board of appeal within four weeks of having received the decision from.
The address is: Ankenævnet for ATP m.m. Holmens Kanal 20 DK-1060 Copenhagen K
ATP's customer ambassador
If you are dissatisfied with the service or guidance you have received from ATP, you can contact ATP’s customer ambassador: