Your enquiry will be processed according to two different procedures, depending on whether you want to carry out the profession of appointed building expert on a temporary basis or whether you want to work permanently in Denmark. When applying for working permanently or carrying out the profession of appointed building expert on a temporary basis, the duration, frequency and continuity of the pursuit of the profession are very important factors. If your work is of a permanent character, apply via this page instead.
Applications and notifications can be submitted electronically via this website. You can also send your application to the Danish Safety Technology Authority by e-mail. Find contact details below.
The estate inspection scheme is a voluntary scheme for private consumers buying and selling housing for personal use (single-family houses and owner-occupied flats). Its purpose is to minimize disputes concerning real estate. When using the scheme the seller avoids being liable for physical defects or hidden damages with the estate. Otherwise the seller would be responsible for the next 10 years for any physical defects or hidden damages that were present at the time of the sale.
The requirements for falling within the scheme are:
An inspection of the buildings
An inspection of the electrical installations
An offer for an insurance covering transfer of ownership
The inspection of the buildings is carried out by appointed building experts. The inspection itself is reported in a central it-system on a common form in order to create uniformity across the different inspections. The form contains different kinds of information mainly a list of defects and damages with the buildings. Each defect is assigned a grade by the appointed building expert. In the report the seller is also require to account for certain circumstances, mainly information about conditions that the seller has knowledge of due to having lived in the house, but which can be hard for an outsider to discover due to having only been in the house briefly. The report must be completed I Danish so that the seller and the buyer can understand the defects and the damages in the building.