
You can receive compensation from, when going on maternity/paternity leave as a self-employed person or a private entrepreneur.


See if you can receive compensation from

Who can get compensation?

You can get compensation if you meet one of these three conditions:

Upon birth
  1. the child is born on 1 January 2021 or after

  2. you get maternity/paternity benefits as a self-employed person or private entrepreneur from Udbetaling Danmark – Public Benefits Administration

  3. you have an annual income from self-employment that is higher than the maximum unemployment benefit (DKK 244.140 in 2024).

Upon adoption
  1. the child is adopted on 1 January 2021 or after

  2. you get maternity/paternity benefits as a self-employed person or private entrepreneur from Udbetaling Danmark – Public Benefits Administration

  3. you have an annual income from self-employment that is higher than the maximum unemployment benefit (DKK 244.140 in 2024).

How much can you receive?

You can receive up to DKK 225,27 per hour in total:

Maternity/paternity benefits - Udbetaling DanmarkCompensation -
Up to DKK 126.89 per hour (2024 rate)Up to DKK 98,38 per hour (2024 rate)

Your annual income has an impact on how much you can get in compensation from Your annual income must be higher than the highest unemployment benefit amount in order to get compensation from (DKK 244.140 in 2024). It is Udbetaling Danmark – Public Benefits Administration that calculates your annual income, which is the determining factor in how much you can get in compensation. Udbetaling Danmark – Public Benefits Administration calculates your annual income, etc. on the basis of your tax assessment notice from the Danish Tax Agency.

Contact Udbetaling Danmark - Public Benefits Administration

Examples: Compensation per week

Your annual incomeDKK 250,000 DKK 300,000 DKK 350,000DKK 450,000 DKK 500.000
Maternity/paternity benefits from Udbetaling Danmark – Public Benefits Administration per week (2024)DKK 4.695DKK 4.695DKK 4.695DKK 4.695DKK 4.695
Compensation from per week (2024)DKK 113 kr.DKK 1.047 kr.DKK 2.036 kr.DKK 3.640 kr.DKK 3.640

Even if your profit is higher than DKK 433,419, you cannot get more than the maximum amount of DKK 3,640 per week (2024).

Period of compensation

Below you can see which weeks of your maternity/paternity leave you can get compensation for from Please note that you can get maternity/paternity benefits from Udbetaling Danmark – Public Benefits Administration for more weeks than you can get compensation from

Upon birth

To the mother
  • 4 weeks prior to the expected birth

  • 2 weeks after the birth

To the father/co-mother
  • 2 weeks´ paternity leave after birth (inside the first 10 weeks)

  • 3 weeks after the paternity leave (must be taken before the child reaches the age of nine)

Shared between both
  • 29 weeks’ shared leave

Upon adoption

Both parents
  • When adopting a child from abroad, both parents get 4 weeks before receiving the child

  • When adopting a child in Denmark, both parents get 1 week before receiving the child

To one of the parents/Shared between both
  • 4 weeks before receiving the child abroad

  • 2 first weeks after receiving for one of the adoptive parents

  • 2 weeks for the other adoptive parent (inside the first 10 weeks)

  • 3 weeks after the first 2 weeks (must be taken before the child reaches the age of nine)

  • 29 weeks of shared leave that can be exchanged between the mother and father/co-mother

How the shared leave is divided

If both parents take shared leave, the shared leave is split between the self-employed parent and the other parent's employer, regardless of which maternity/paternity leave scheme they use. Compensation/reimbursement is distributed based on when the mother and father/co-mother take leave.

If the mother is self-employed and takes leave for the first 15 weeks of the shared leave, and the father/co-mother then takes leave for 15 weeks, the mother will be entitled to compensation for 15 weeks and the father’s/co-mother’s employer will be entitled to reimbursement for 14 weeks. If the mother and father/co-mother take shared leave at the same time, they will both be entitled for compensation/reimbursement for the same period.

Example of distribution

If the mother (self-employed) and father/co-mother (employee) take maternal/paternal leave at the same time, the mother will be compensated for 16 weeks and the father/co-mother's employer will be reimbursed for 13 weeks of the shared leave:

Reserved for the mother
  • 2 weeks’ compulsory leave

  • 16 weeks’ shared leave

Reserved for the father/co-mother
  • 2 weeks’ paternity leave

  • 3 weeks’ paternity leave

  • 13 weeks’ shared leave

Apply for compensation

When applying for maternity/paternity benefits from Udbetaling Danmark – Public Benefits Administration via NemRefusion, you will also automatically apply for compensation from Therefore, you do not need to take further action to apply for compensation from

       Apply for maternity/paternity benefits via NemRefusion

Payment of contributions

The financing of s is from a fixed contribution that must be paid once per year.

You are obliged to pay contributions to as a self-employed person or private entrepreneur even though you are not going on maternity/paternity leave and therefore not able to use

Answer the questions below and see whether you need to pay:

BDK BID Test whether you need to pay vs 5

You will receive a collection order once a year

You will receive a collection order from in your personal digital inbox in October if you need to pay contributions. You therefore do not need to take any action yourself until you receive the collection order.

Subsequently, you will receive a collection order once per year.

How much do you need to pay?

The contribution rate is DKK 1,350 per year (2024 rate).

Year AmountSee rules regarding the annual contribution rate on
2022-2024DKK 1.350,00Lov nr. 2586 af 28.12.2021
2021DKK 1.225,00Lov nr. 2198 af 29.12.2020

Each year prior to the collection order being sent out, will assess whether you need to pay contributions based on your annual tax assessment notice. It is the result on your annual tax assessment notice for the most recent concluded income year as a self-employed person or private entrepreneur that serves as the basis for the assessment. If assesses that you need to pay, you will receive a collection order in October when has received your annual tax assessment notice from the Danish Tax Agency.

If you need to pay contributions, this does not mean that you are entitled to receive compensation from

See here if you can receive compensation

The contribution from self-employed people or private entrepreneurs is the same as what employers pay to for their full-time employees.


Do you need to pay back compensation you have received from This is because has recalculated your compensation on the basis of new information. pays you compensation on the basis of the information available at the time of processing the payment. It can therefore happen that receives new information at a later date concerning:

  • that the entirety or part of your previously received compensation should have been paid to your employer

  • that your hourly rates have been adjusted

  • that part of or the entirety of your previously received compensation should have been paid to the other parent (as self-employed) or to the other parent’s employer.

The information is from Udbetaling Danmark – Public Benefits Administration which calculates your annual income, and this is the determining factor in how much you can get in compensation.

Reasons for why you need to repay money

Here you can see the types of situations that may result in you having to pay back compensation you have received.

Legislation etc.

Here you can find legal guidance relevant to and read about how we process your personal data.

Legal guidance

How processes your personal data

In the following, you can learn more about what data processes, how we process the data and your rights in that connection.

Read more about the processing of your personal data

Updated 26.02.2024
