Frequently used self-services
All self-service
Ansøgning om dispensation fra elsikkerhedsbekendtgørelserne
Du skal bruge denne blanket, når du skal søge om dispensation fra elsikkerhedsbekendtgørelserne. Der dispenseres ikke fra forhold, som tilsidesætter det grundlæggende sikkerhedsniveau i bekendtgørelserne.
Ansøgning om godkendelse som driftsansvarlig person på elektriske anlæg
Du skal bruge denne blanket, når du skal søge om godkendelse som driftsansvarlig person på elektriske anlæg. Du skal kun godkendes som driftsansvarlig person én gang.
Application for working as a technically responsible person (establishment)
Use this form if you wish to work as an individual within the electrical, plumbing, sewage and gas installation fields or as an asbestos demolition contractor on a permanent basis, apply here.
Application for working as a technically responsible person (temporary provision)
Use this form if you wish to work as an individual within the electrical, plumbing, sewage and gas installations field or as an asbestos demolition contractor on a temporary basis, apply here.
Appointed Building Expert (establishment)
Use this form if you wish to establish a permanent business as an appointed building expert in Denmark.
Appointed Building Expert (temporary provision)
Use this form if you wish to carry out the profession of an appointed building expert on a temporary or occasional basis.
Approval of supervisory bodies
You must be approved as a supervisory body if you want to approve and test quality systems for authorised companies in the electrical, plumbing and sewer installation fields, and for companies with company approval in the gas field.
Authorisation, Company within the Electrical, Asbestos demolition, Plumbing, Sewage, and Gas field (Temporary/Establishment)
Use this form if you wish to establish a company within the electrical, asbestos (demolition), plumbing, sewage and gas installations field in Denmark on a permanent or temporary basis.
Autorisation, ændring i den autoriserede virksomheds basisoplysninger
Du skal bruge denne blanket, hvis du har ændringer til basisoplysningerne i din vvs-, kloak-, asbest-, el- eller gasvirksomhed.
Autorisation, ansøgning om dispensation fra kravet om fagligt ansvarlig i særlige tilfælde
Denne blanket bruges, når en autoriseret eller godkendt virksomhed ønsker at søge om dispensation fra kravet om fagligt ansvarlig.