Accidents at work

As an employer, you are obliged to report to authorities if one of the company’s employees have an accident at work.

What is an accident at work?

An accident at work is a sudden incident that occurs in conjunction with work which leads to physical or mental harm for one or more people. The consequences of the incident can be temporary or permanent and includes violence, threats or other abusive behaviour that occur outside of normal working hours.

It can also be an injury that occurs following exposure to potentially harmful work tasks which have taken place over no more than five working days.

As an employer you must report accidents at work no more than 14 days after the first day where the employee is unable to work provided that the accident has left the employee incapable of working on other days than the one where the incident occurred.

As an employer you must also report an accident no more than 14 days after it occurred, even if it causes no absence from work, but when the injured party would still be eligible for compensation following the Workers' Compensation Act.

It is the duty of the employer to report the accident but it can prove difficult to assess which accidents to report and which not to report.

If you, as an employer, have any doubt, always report it.

An accident at work is reported to both The Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet), the authority responsible for preventions of accidents and Labour Market Insurance (AES) the government agency responsible for processing claims.

Read more about accidents at work at

Read more about accidents at work at

If an employee has become ill in connection with work because they have been exposed to an impact for more than five days, this is an occupational disease. This must be reported by a doctor.

Read more about occupational diseases here

Information concerning deaths

If an employee dies while at work or due to an accident at work, the company must notify AES of the death within 48 hours by calling: +45 20 42 63 97.

Companies also have a duty to notify their industrial injury insurance company.

Even though the company has notified AES and its insurance company, the death must also be reported as an accident at work in the EASY reporting system.

The EASY reporting system

EASY is Labour Market Insurance (AES) and The Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet)’s common system for reporting accidents at work to authorities and the company’s industrial injury insurance.

EASY automatically passes on the report to the right recipients on the basis of the submitted information and sends a receipt to the injured party’s Digital Post.

Features of EASY

If you have an employee signature and the right to report via EASY, you can save drafts and work with them for 9 days before they are deleted. As a resident of Denmark and a third party, however, you can only save and edit a report during the same day in which it was created.

The company’s reports are available in EASY for one year after the reporting date. You can also get data in an anonymised form for the past 5 years from EASY.

Who can make reports in EASY?

In EASY, you can report an accident at work if you are:

  • An employer

  • The injured party

  • A third party (for example, a doctor, labour union or attorney)

  • An employer with a RUT-number (without CVR-number)

EASY for companies

As an employer you have a duty to report the accident when an employee sustains an injury at work as per the Workers' Compensation Act.

Read the Workers' Compensation Act (arbejdsskadesikringsloven) (Information in Danish)

Add information on the insurance policy before reporting

Before you, as an employer, can report an accident at work in EASY you must fill in the company's insurance policy in the system.

Add insurance policy information in EASY

Changing previous reports

You can change an already finished report up to a year after it was first reported. The change can happen for a number of reasons e.g. that the report must be assessed following ‘arbejdsskadesikringsloven’ or because of a change in the number of days the injured party has been unable to work as a consequence of the accident.

Please note that:

  • Drafts are only saved for up to 9 days and then they are deleted

  • The changed report will be sent to the relevant recipients - for example the insurance company and/or Work Environment in Denmark

The open solution in EASY

Via the open solution in EASY, all employees in a company can start registering an accident at work. However, the report must still be approved by someone who can report via MitID.

The company’s EASY administrator can send a link to the open solution to the relevant employees. Then the designated employees can fill out reports without entering a user name or password. When a report has been created, it must be sent to 'Ready for approval'.

It is important that reports that are ‘Ready for approval’ are completed and finished since they alone are not treated as a timely report following the Workers' Compensation Act.

How to use the open solution in EASY (PDF)

EASY for insurance companies

All reports where the injured party is incapacitated in one or more days after the accident or in cases where the employer has chosen to have the case handled following the Workers' Compensation Act are automatically forwarded to the relevant insurance company, chosen by the employer.

In case of injuries where the employer has chosen that the injured party is incapacitated one day after the incident it must be forwarded to the insurance company.

As an insurance company, you have the possibility of seeing and retrieving reports concerning accidents at work from the companies that have or have had insurance policies with you. Insurance companies can also send reports on accidents at work to Labour Market Insurance (AES).

Payment for medical information

AES pays the fee if we have asked a medical specialist to send a copy of a medical journal, medical specialist’s certificate, medical certificate, autopsy or supplementary note. You must send your invoice electronically to AES in order to get paid. The money will be transferred to your NemKonto :

When you fill out the invoice:

  • Fill out one invoice per civil registration number.

  • Write the recipient/patient’s civil registration number clearly.

  • Write AES’ file number under order/purchase reference - for example, 010203-0405/01

  • Note which service you are invoicing AES for

It is possible to send an invoice electronically via

You can send the invoice to: GLN/EAN nr.: 5790002265891

Please note that medical information on patients must be sent to:


Labour Market Insurance (AES) Kongens Vænge 8 DK-3400 Hillerød

Unfortunately, AES cannot receive electronic credit notes. If you have a credit note, you must call AES on +45 48 20 58 40.

Reporting an occupational disease AES does not pay the fee for reporting an occupational disease. The fee will be paid automatically in connection with the digital reporting of occupational diseases to AES and The Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet).

Updated 23.01.2025
